Career and Work Problems: Can Bach Flower Remedies help?
It’s a sad fact that, probably for most of us, a job for life is an impossible goal. Instead of settling down to enjoy total job security, many have to cope with the unexpected news of redundancy, business failure or other unexpected changes that upset not just our lives and our dreams, but the lives of our families too.
These shocks can be one of the most difficult challenges in life to deal with. They can bring worry, stress and anxiety, often for extended periods of time.
I know this from my own personal experience and I have had to face redundancy, loss of work and even the need to totally reinvent my skill set to get work.
So, are there Bach Flower Remedies that can help?
Bach Flower Remedies have brought comfort to many and the obvious choice when faced with the shock of bad news is Dr Bach’s Rescue Remedy. It contains five flowers that help to provide comfort in very different ways:
Star of Bethlehem: Helps us to deal with shock and trauma
Rock Rose: To help provide calm in times of crisis
Impatiens: Helps us to think things through and avoid a ‘knee jerk’ reaction
Cherry Plum: To help us to think calmly and rationally
Clematis: This I like to call the ‘keeping the feet on the ground flower‘. Helps us to keep grounded in the here and now and aims to stop us getting involved in fantasy thinking and impossible dreams.
Are there other Bach Flower Remedies for work problems?
The answer is ‘yes‘!
Whilst Rescue Remedy is excellent for dealing with the initial shock, there are many other remedies that can help. The exact remedies required will of course depend on the client’s individual circumstances, but here are some examples:
Walnut: To help with change and to provide courage to see changes through.
Larch: The Larch remedy aims to provide the confidence needed for the future.
Wild Oat: The ‘future vision flower’. To support those that need to look for a new goal, a new life mission.
These are just a few examples and a consultation will be able to identify the most appropriate remedies that are needed. It is quite probable that the flower remedies needed will change over time as the search for new work and fulfilment progresses.
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Please Note: This post is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute medical, psychological or other advice. If you need medical or other advice, you must contact a doctor or other suitably qualified professional.
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