Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple

Quite often Crab Apple is described as a remedy to use when one feels ‘dirty’ or ‘unpleasant’.

So, if this description of the remedy, which isn’t particularly appealing, is shown to a client I would be impressed, if the client said: ‘that’s what I need’!

The reality is that that there is a lot more to Crab Apple. It’s a potentially misunderstood, but important, Bach Flower remedy that can help to bring about benefits and positive change in more than one way.

We’ll now take a look at these benefits.

Crab Apple: The Cleanser

Crab Apple is a ‘cleanser’. This is how I explain it to my clients and anyone who asks me about this remedy.

Crab Apple, as a ‘cleanser’, is extremely valuable especially after any form of illness or surgery. It is also used in the Rescue Remedy Cream, as a sixth remedy, as its properties are helpful for anyone needing it for healing a skin wound or, possibly, other skin conditions.

So, going back to the phrase ‘a cleanser’, when I had a really nasty chest infection, I gave myself Crab Apple as a cleanser and Olive for the extreme fatigue and tiredness that I was experiencing. So effective was this combination that I now use it regularly if I’m ill and recently I used it when my husband and I had Covid.

I’ve also sent treatment bottles containing these two remedies, along with one or two other remedies that were required in the mix, to friends who have been ill or had surgery. My feedback from all of them has been very positive.

Crab Apple: Learning to love oneself

The cleansing element is just one aspect of the wonderful properties of the Crab Apple Bach Flower Remedy.

But there is another.

‘I wish I could feel better about myself; to learn to love myself’.

This is our one line description for the Crab Apple Bach Flower remedy.

This description introduces a second, very important aspect of Crab Apple; its use for when you are simply feeling very negative about yourself physically, for example, your weight, your hair, your skin or the way you look and possibly how you think other people see you too.

Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple: When we’re unhappy with the way we look

Women may admit this to me; men, I find, are far less frequently that honest about how they feel about themselves physically. Yet how they are acting in life can be a giveaway. As examples, an ultra manicured garden, the car obsessively washed and cleaned overly regularly could be indicators of a person who really isn’t comfortable with themselves. If only they could talk, share their problems or try the Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple…….

bach flower remedy crab apple
Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple: Helping us to love ourselves

The remedies (and Crab Apple in particular), don’t change a person; they help us to change ourselves. The result can simply be making life and all of its daily tasks a little more enjoyable. And even more importantly, Crab Apple can help us to love ourselves a little bit more.

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Please Note: This post is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute medical, psychological or other advice. If you need medical or other advice, you must contact a doctor or other suitably qualified professional. 

Unless otherwise stated, images courtesy Pixabay