Problems with your New Year’s Resolutions?

So we’re just a few days into a New Year. It’s the time when many of us have written, or are thinking of writing, our New Year’s resolutions. But, if my past experience is anything to go by, I start out with very good intentions, but nothing seems to change. Either I have difficulty in getting around to writing my resolutions or, if I do get them down on paper, the resolutions quickly get forgotten, buried under the mountain of all the usual day-to-day tasks.

If my experience rings true with you, you might want to ask the question ‘Could Bach Flowers help?’

New Year’s Resolutions – Could Bach Flowers Help?

Well, the answer is quite possibly; in fact there are several of Dr Bach’s Flowers that could be useful.

Let’s have a look at a few of these.

Wild Oat: This remedy has been called the ‘vocational calling flower’* – it helps to determine what we should do, to aim for in our lives. We may well be motivated to do something different in our lives – but this is the remedy that help could help us to identify exactly what we should do.

Wild Oat Bach Bach Flower  - helping us to find our vocation, our mission in life.
Wild Oat: Helping us to discover our callings in life.

Wild Rose: Sometimes we just can’t get the energy, the motivation, to do something different, it’s just easier to go with the flow. Wild Rose is the flower that could reverse these feelings, that can help us take ownership of our lives and bring enthusiasm into what we do.

Wild Rose Bach Flower - helping to overcome apathy, resignation.
Wild Rose – helping us to leave apathy behind

Larch: Possibly it’s an issue of confidence – there might be something that we really would love to do that we might not have done before – but there’s a blockage holding us back. If that blockage is confidence, then Larch could be a Bach Flower to consider.

Larch Bach Flower - the giver of confidence.
Larch – helping build confidence

Chestnut Bud: Maybe we’ve done all this before. We’ve thought about and written out our New Year’s resolutions, but we forget to make time in our lives to ensure that these resolutions actually happen. The resolutions just get forgotten. We keep on making this mistake, year after year. We don’t learn from life’s experiences; if this is the case, then Chestnut Bud might be a Bach Flower to try.  

Chestnut Bud Bach Flower - when we make the same mistakes and don't learn life's lessons.
Chestnut Bud – helping to learn from life’s experiences

* Scheffer, M (2001) The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy Healing Arts Press: Rochester

Just a few …

These are just four Bach Flowers that might help with our New Year’s Resolutions, but If you would like to know more, then please do get in touch for a no obligation conversation.

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Please Note: This post is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute medical, psychological or other advice. If you need medical or other advice, you must contact a doctor or other suitably qualified professional. 

Unless otherwise stated, images courtesy Pixabay